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Online customer workshops

Webinar: Discover the Potential: An Introduction to Power Pages

Thursday, 14th September 2023, 10:00am - 11:00am

Discover the low-code solution to building your own webpages with Microsoft Power Pages. Designed to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Dynamics 365 CRM, this powerful tool gives you the power to configure and design websites quickly for both mobile and desktop.

Our Power Pages expert will guide you through the essential aspects of Microsoft Power Pages, including its features, customisation options, and integration capabilities with other applications within Power Platform and the Dynamics 365 family. We will showcase real-world examples and walk you through the process of creating visually stunning and interactive web pages without the need for extensive coding knowledge, just a little bit of IT know-how.

We’ll give an overview on how you can utilise Power Pages to enhance your productivity and assist in providing excellent customer experiences by:

  • Giving you web presence even if you haven’t dipped your toes into the world of digital media yet!
  • Complementing your existing eCommerce or collateral website with additional portals to give extra support to customers or suppliers.
  • Layering onto Dynamics 365 Business Central and CRM via Dataverse so all your data – even what’s collected through your website – sits in your business software solution without you needing to manually add it.
  • Reducing email traffic and phone calls and giving that time back to your team. Power Pages provides options for customers to “self-serve” by being able to interact with things like updates on orders, providing a customer portal with helpful information, and completing product return forms or warranty registration.

Whether you’re still considering using Power Pages or are ready to get going and want to know where to start, this workshop is designed to show you the potential this tool can bring to your business. So join us on Tuesday 18th July for an introduction to Power Pages and discover the potential!


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